Sciblog - A blog designed like a scientific paper


Lessons learned about marketing while building a startup

April 15, 2016

Miguel González-Fierro


Everything is marketing in a business. Your web page is marketing; your deals are marketing; your conferences are marketing and your tweets are marketing. Many tech startups don't pay attention to it because they are too busy programming the product. However, if you don't communicate, you don't sell. A great marketer is able to frame a story into the world view of the customer. At the end of the day, to do marketing is just to tell a great story.


The growth of Artificial Intelligence in the new economy

March 6, 2016

Miguel González-Fierro


There is an increasing interest for Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is no longer something you can see on science fiction movies, it's real. It's affecting markets like finance, marketing, e-commerce and many other industries. Big technical corporations such as Google, Facebook or Microsoft are investing millions of dollars on AI and they are hiring some of the most important scientists on the field. The 21st century is the time of AI.


Is it Possible for a Robot to Have Emotions?

Feb. 9, 2016

Miguel González-Fierro


A robot is a machine whose main purpose is to help us. In order to accomplish that, a robot needs to have a hight level of intelligence, it has to be skilful enough to be able to interact with us and it has to be autonomous. Artificial Intelligence is a field that has made amazing advances since the appearance of Deep Learning. However, is it possible for a robot to have real emotions? And maybe more important, should a robot have emotions?


Why math is so important in everyone's life

Jan. 23, 2016

Miguel González-Fierro


Most people hate math. However we are force to study mathematics since we are very young. There is a reason for that. Math is the base of the scientific thought and the language of science. It allows to express the behavior of our environment in a logical manner, independently of what our senses perceives or what our mind desires.


The science behind the new Star Wars robot: BB-8

Jan. 7, 2016

Alejandro Malmierca and Miguel González-Fierro


Everybody is excited about the new Star Wars movie: The Force Awakens. One of the most exciting new characters is the robot BB-8. This new character has enchanted everyone with his modern design and his new features. If you know it, you probably love it, if you don’t, you will. In this article we will introduce the new Star Wars robot, how it works and why J.J. Abrams added this character to the new saga.


A blog with the appearance of a scientific paper in Latex

Nov. 28, 2015

Miguel González-Fierro


This blog intends to imitate the design of a scientific paper written in LaTeX. The idea is to not only use the beautiful LaTeX design and typography but also to organize each post like a scientific research paper. In this post, we will explain the basics of how to write a scientific paper and how to use the css classes to make it look like a LaTeX document.


The Spanish startup ecosystem will be more technological

May 19, 2015

Miguel González-Fierro


We are living a boost of startups in Spain. The startup ecosystem have change significantly in recent years, probably most experts would say in a good way. There are more and more money for investments and better projects to invest. Spain has talent and we are taking benefit from it.


What color is this dress? The Dressgate explained

Feb. 28, 2015

Miguel González-Fierro


Is the dress white and gold? Is it black and blue? How is it possible that many people see one combination and some people the other combination. The answer is that our brain tricks us to adapt our reality.


A humanoid robot Ph.D. thesis explained to non scientists

Oct. 7, 2014

Miguel González-Fierro, Thrishantha Nanayakkara and Carlos Balaguer


It is sometimes difficult for us as scientist to explain our research to the general public. The aim of this post is to throw some light on what I did in my Ph.D. thesis in a easy to understand language. The purpose of the research was to make a small humanoid robot perform a series of complex postural tasks using a machine learning technique called learning from demonstration.


What is scrum and how to apply it to a startup

Sept. 18, 2014

Miguel González-Fierro


Scrum is a method of agile development that can help any development team to ship a final product in a small period of time. It is widely used in startups and software companies around the world