The Sorcerer's Apprentice was a poem written by Goethe in 1797, this is the translation from German. In 1940, the tale was included in the Disney animated movie Fantasia.

In the tale, there was a sorcerer who had an apprentice. The apprentice was very anxious to learn the secrets of his master. When he was told by his master to carry water to fill a cauldron, he stole the sorcerer's magic hat and enchanted a broom to carry the water for him. This worked at first, but soon the broom got out of control and flooded the room. The apprentice didn't know how to make it stop, so desperately he decided to hack the broom with an axe. Unfortunately, each of the splinters of the broom becomes a broom, and the apprentice’s troubles intensified. Finally, the master appeared to fix the situation and asked the apprentice to return his magic hat.
To me, the most important moment of the story is when Mickey returns the hat. This is the exact moment when he is acknowledging that he is an apprentice, not a master, that he is ignorant.
The world is full of people that think they are masters, but that's an illusion. There are too many people claiming they know about a subject, but they are completely clueless. Too many people in a meeting trying to be the smartest guy in the room.
In my view, there are two kinds of people: those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know. The moment you internalize that you are ignorant and mix that with a fervent curiosity, you start listening to other people and start learning. When I was young and was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always answered that I wanted to be a wise man. To be honest, I don't know how to become a wise man, but I know that a good way to start is by not becoming a master, but being a lifelong apprentice. That's why on my Twitter I say that I am a sorcerer's apprentice.